BTCA News/Tennis News/Articles of Interest
BTCA Tennis Racketeers Courses
The BTCA Tennis Racketeer
Coaching Skills for under 16's
The Racketeers role is a very responsible one and is an important stage of learning for anyone wishing to help teach tennis to others. Of course it is necessary for Racketeers to be able to play tennis themselves to a reasonable standard so the very first step to achieving the Racketeer qualification should be to work hard on improving your own tennis game. Your coach will help you with this and when you are ready to step up and take your Racketeer Award you will then be qualified to help your coach to help others learn to play and enjoy tennis. Helping and supporting your coach is what the Racketeers Qualification is all about, and one of the best ways to learn yourself is to learn how to help to teach others. Below are just 10 of the important things that you will learn during your Racketeers course. During the course you will:-
1. Learn how to support a safe and secure learning environment for young children
2. Learn the methods used to manage large groups in safe, controlled, and constructive ways.
3. Learn how to feed balls appropriately and effectively.
4. Learn what it takes to look, act and perform like a Tennis Coach.
5. Learn how to be liked, appreciated "and” respected by those you help teach.
6. Learn how to include yourself in the learning experience, and help guide that process.
7. Learn how to be helpful and supportive by spotting what is needed.
8. Learn how to be observant and be able to help where and when required.
9. Learn how to work with teaching points, and learn how to help sustain the tempo and quality of a lesson through positive reinforcement.
10. Learn the structure of a lesson and how to use a Lesson Plan.
You will learn much more during the course, and you will also be required to complete a workbook and a student log-book. Your coach will help you with this and will then help you complete your final assessment and apply for your Certification, BTCA Racketeers Membership & BTCA Hoodie which is all included in your course fee. We hope you enjoy this wonderful learning experience and we wish you all the best on your Tennis Racketeers Course.
All resources for the course are located in the coaches Memberzone at BTCA so contact your BTCA Coach to ask him to sign you up, or for more information email us at:
BTCA coaches who wish to deliver this course should call us on 0330 1136190 or 07886457378
We look forward to working with you
The BTCA Team.